
Literary Analysis Prompts for literary

A literary analysis essay is used to carefully examine, and often times evaluate, a work of literature or an aspect of it. As with any form of analyses, it requires you to break the subject down to its components. The examination of the literature’s various elements is not the end itself, but a process designed to help you appreciate and better understand the entire work of literature. For example, an analysis on a poem may deal with the different types of images found in a poem, or perhaps the relationship between the content and form of the work. Perhaps if you were asked to analyze a play, you will look into the connections between the main plot and a subplot, or the tragic hero’s character flow, and how it was revealed gradually in between acts. A short story, on the other hand, may challenge you to identify a particular theme, and how it was written through the point of view from which the story’s told. You may also be asked to discuss the main character’s attitude towards other characters based on dialogue or actions. The process of analyzing literature is a tedious task, and greatly depends on the form of literature. Most students find themselves lost as to where to start, but this post contains gathered literary analysis prompts, all of which are designed help you get started.

Literary Analysis Essay Prompts

As discussed, literary analysis essays are tricky to do. Your work will depend entirely on the chosen form of literature, but it does not mean you cannot prepare beforehand. Here are some sample literary analysis prompts for inspiration:

  • •Workplace

The workplace is a colorful place, where people from different backgrounds work together for the benefit of a company. Think of a novel where the protagonist’s profession is vital to the course of the story. From there, think of the following questions: what could the author trying to tell you about the character through his/her profession? How would it affect the story of the character is placed in a different profession? Center your analysis around the character’s work, and what it says about him/her.

  • • School

A school is a place of growth and self-discovery, which makes for interesting literary analysis prompts high school. Select a novel that centers around events happening at a school. Explain how the setting affects the point of view and tone of the story.

  • • Psychology

Choose a character such as Jane Eyre, Huck Finn, or a different character from a novel you’re familiar with. Proceed to list down the actions of the character in a chronological order. What do these actions say about the character? Do they fit or contradict each other? Make sure to include direct quotations or phrases from the text to support your material.

  • • Science

If you’re looking for interesting literary analysis writing prompts, utilizing science is the best way to go. Physicists perceive time as a fourth dimension, which helps us in the process of making sense of the world around us. This is also true for novels, so think of one where time is manipulated. Perhaps the scenes are elongated, or rushed - hours long of dialogue, or flashes of a battle scene. The writer may have used flashbacks to transport the reader back in time.

  • • History

The historical period where a novel is set is central to the theme of the novel. Some of these novels include The Grapes of Wrath, Les Misérables, Gone with the Wind, and countless others. Choose a novel set in a period familiar to you, or the very least, interests you. Examine it and identify which historical details the writer incorporates. Analyze how those details are relevant to the theme.

These are just some of the many literary analysis prompts available out there. To emphasize, the success of your literary analysis will depend on your chosen literature, so it’s best to take your time and ponder which best suits you.

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